
Below are some of the personal projects that I have worked on throughout my finance and data science journey. Click on the titles below to be taken to their respective pages.

DataCamp Data Scientist Certification Case Study
The below links will take you to my technical report, presentation, and package used for the professional data scientist certification case study that I completed in April of 2021 to officially be certified as a professional data scientist.

BMW Price Prediction Report

Data Scientist Certification Case Study: Report Detailing the Ability to Predict Prices for BMW Used Cars

BMW Price Prediction Presentation

Data Scientist Certification Case Study: Presentation for High-Level Overview of Technical Report

BMW Price Prediction R Package

Data Scientist Certification Case Study: R Package for Seamless Price Prediction with Incoming BMW Used Cars

Power BI Dashboards
Power BI has been a main focus for me with my current and prior roles. This area is centered around showcasing some of the Power BI dashboards that I have made for personal use.

Sleeper Fantasy Football Dashboard

Fantasy Football Dashboard Queried Through Sleeper API

Market Dashboard

Market Dashboard Queried Through Yahoo Finance & FRED APIs

Kaggle & DataCamp Workspace Notebooks
Kaggle and DataCamp Workspace are data science platforms where you can share notebooks/ideas and compete in competitions to see how you match up against others. The below links highlight some of the main projects from my these platforms (most notably my notebook for a top ten percent submission in the 2021 March Madness machine learning competition.). Please visit my main account pages of these sites to view all of my work and accomplishments. My Kaggle account can be found here and my DataCamp account can be found here.

2021 NCAAM March Madness

Top 10% Submission for March Madness Machine Learning Kaggle Competition (in R) with Elastic-Net Algorithm

Python House Price Prediction

Predict House Prices with XGBoost in Python through a Kaggle 'Getting Started' Competition

Python Anomaly Detection for Fraud

Python Notebook for Exploring Fraud through KMeans Unsupervised Learning Algorithm

Fund Investing: Bitcoin a Go or No?

R Notebook to Better Understand How Investing in Bitcoin Affects Portfolio Diversification

Sentiment Analysis in R: Amazon Alexa

Use Sentiment Analysis for Amazon Alexa Reviews to Understand How People View Alexa

Time-Series Modeling in R: Predict Shampoo Sales

Use Various Time-Series Modeling Techniques to Predict Shampoo Sales

Packages, Pipelines, & Applications
In addition to the DataCamp Data Scientist Certification R package, below are additional repositories I built that contain packages (Python and R), data pipelines using Python & SQL, and applications constructed through R's Shiny package. All are through GitHub.


R Package: Wrapper Around Sleeper API


R Package: Use Microsoft Excel Functions in R


Python Package: Use Microsoft Excel Functions in Python

R Shiny Applications

R Shiny Applications to Explore Stocks and Fiji Earthquakes

Stock Market Data Pipelines

Data Pipelines For Stock Market Data Collection with Python & SQL